You can request a reissue online. Please give details of the cheque that you need to replace.
We will deal with your request within 5 business days of receipt.
Some payments can be issued over the phone. Please call our Shareholder Helpline on:
+44 (0) 371 384 2030
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To obtain a replacement for a lost or out-of-date payment, write to us giving details of the cheque that you need to
replace. Please ensure that you:
State the name of the company for which you are a shareholder
State your Shareholder Reference; this can be found on your share certificate/statement or on any previous
correspondence we have sent you
Write your name and address exactly as it is recorded on the Register
of Shareholders; as identified by the name and address on any of our recent correspondence to you
Return any relevant out of date cheques which are in your possession
Please send you written request to us at the
following address:
Aspect House
Spencer Road
BN99 6DA